THE PATRIOTISM PROJECT, which includes this book, is a literary effort aimed at Americans. It seeks to reawaken the American Spirit across our land, so that the best of our country’s heritage is publicly recognized and reasserted as the basis of our local, state and national life, and our international relations. In addition, it seeks to extend the American Spirit peacefully around the planet to develop a global society based on the ideals of social-economic liberty, inalienable rights, equality of opportunity and democratically elected representatives serving in a constitutional republic, so that a world community emerges which is aligned with the values, traditions and objectives of our nation. Elements of THE PATRIOTISM PROJECT include these forthcoming titles:

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The military experience in America is older than America itself.
Think about the vast array of military-related events in America. Besides Memorial Day and Independence Day parades with their color guards and floats, there are public ceremonies and Flag Day speeches, Veterans Day observances, school and college Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) graduations, military service academy graduations, Armed Forces Day presentations, memorial services such as The Four Chaplains of World War Two and Wreaths Across America, POW/MIA vigils by veterans groups, and Blue Angels/Thunderbirds aerial flight displays for the public to view with awe.
Think also of military-related sites around America and abroad. There are forts, bases, and various installations, battlefields, monuments and memorials, cemeteries, museums and displays, military academies and institutes, decommissioned ships and naval craft open to the public as museums, aircraft displays, town and village greens with antique cannons and armaments, and veteran group posts with armaments outside and flag retirement ceremonies for public viewing. And finally, think of the cemeteries across America and on American soil abroad (such as Normandy, France) where the graves of citizen-soldiers rest in peace, honored by descendants and patriot groups.
Part 1 describes local people and events in my hometown of Cheshire, Connecticut. It reflects Cheshire’s history and my own involvement in publicizing and honoring hometown heroes and patriots.
Part 2 broadens the scope of my reflections and activities regarding the military experience in America and my interactions with local veterans and veteran groups.
Part 3 expands on the sense of military history and heroes which I developed, from the founding of America, through the major military events from the War for Independence to my own war—the Vietnam War—to global affairs such as nuclear security and disarmament.
Part 4 focuses on some of the medals, memorials and traditions associated with the military experience in America. The history of the Purple Heart and the story of Taps are included.
– From the Introduction

It begins:
Enlightenment. What is it? How do we get it? Why should we try? How do we know when we’re enlightened? What do we do when we’re enlightened? What would happen to society if a large number of people were enlightened? What if that occurred on a global scale? I’ll try to answer these questions clearly and comprehensively, but nontechnically. I’ll also try to answer them in a way which connects with your own life and makes enlightenment personally valuable to you. Hopefully speaking, it will become the most valuable thing in life for you—because in the big scheme of things, it truly is just that.

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Buy kindle version on“John White has succeeded in articulating the most pressing social, political and spiritual issues confronting America and all residents of America at this time in history. People living within the borders of this nation owe it to themselves to read this book to understand why we are living through such chaos but also because we need to envision an empowered and inspiring future.” – Caroline Myss, author of Sacred Contracts and Anatomy of the Spirit “Thank you for the references to Noetics and my work. I think you did a great job, and we definitely need more of your prescriptions in governments.”
– Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar D. Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon